An overview of how this blog is built and roadmap ahead

Last Updated on 25-10-2023

This blog has been inspired by numberous blogs by incredibly talented individuals out there in the web universe. Over time, I’ve compiled a list of things that I loved in different blogs I’ve visited and this blog is an end result of that. As someone who started coding less than a year back, this blog is not the best, but overtime as I gain programming skills, I intend to perfect it over time.

The blog is built using the Hugo framework with the PaperMod theme. It is currently hosted on Netlify and the source code of the website can be found here . I use VS Code for all coding and pushing changes to GitHub repository. Currently the domain name is registered at Hostinger , but I plan to switch to PorkBun soon. Obsidian is my tool of choice while writing blogposts. I do not track any personal data for analytics and use GoatCounter for simple analytics. The comments on pages are static and are fetched from a .json during build process with the URL as the identifier. Comment form is handled using google form and is moderated using Google Sheet which adds the comment to the .json upon approval.

All pages containing data like library ,travel ,timeline ,etc are fetched from the .yaml files and these are updated manually as and when required. Only exception to this is the now page where a google script updates the data automatically using a google script that is triggered automatically everyday. Whenever there is change is pushed into the repository, during deployment on Netlify,python codes located in the script directories read the .yaml files from the data folder and generates svgs required in different pages


The following list lays out the plan I have for this blog in the long run:

  • Move away from frameworks and write/own every piece of the source code.
  • Setup a minimal solar version of the site inspired from Low Tech Magazine . The goal is to self-host a solar version of the website on a Raspberry Pi that is portable.
  • Integrate the live weather using a personal weather station in the now page. This can be integrated with the solar hosting module mentioned earlier as well.
  • Create an art page for my website to host my art/photography projects.
  • Dark/Light toggle for all pages
  • Create a statistics page to display statistics about this blog.
  • Revisit the svg creation using python code and see if there are any better alternatives
  • Lay outa plan for longevity of the blog by sticking with pure html and CSS.
  • Setup a URL shortner and also use it instead of Genius Link .
  • Selfhost my newsletter using a service like listmonk .
  • Build a guestbook section for the blog where users can post testimonials.
  • Implement automatic versioning during deployment.
  • Implement grammar and broken link check during deployment.
  • Add a family tree in About page

Known Issues

1. CSS issues while displaying dialogue boxes on timeline page on smaller devices.

In case you find any bug that is not listed here, please do contact me or create an issue on GitHub .


A list of major changes done to this blog in the descending order: